TeX e LaTeX. Scrivere un curriculum vitae nel formato europeo

La maniera migliore di scrivere un CV in formato europeo con LaTeX è usare il pacchetto europecv. A me non piace particolarmente, ma alla fine ho deciso di usarlo come formato predefinito per il mio CV, perché molte istituzioni pubbliche lo richiedono per i concorsi. Ecco un esempio d'uso.

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\ecvsection{Personal information}

\ecvitem{Surname, First name}{\large\textbf{Biccari, Francesco}}
\ecvitem{Address}{Via \pr{del corso 110}, 00123 Roma, Italy}
\ecvitem{Mobile phone}{\pr{380\,0000000}}
\ecvitem{Date of birth}{27 April 1980}
\ecvitem[0.5cm]{Driving licence}{European B type}

\ecvsection{Work experiences}

\ecvitem{}{\textbf{Consultant for the Sapienza University Press}}
\ecvitem{Dates}{June 2012}
\ecvitem{Main activities}{Creation of 3 LaTeX classes for books, articles and conference proceedings.}

\ecvitem{}{\textbf{Lecturer at University of Rome ``Tor Vergata'' (Rome, Italy)}}
\ecvitem{Dates}{April 2012 and April 2011}
\ecvitem{Main activities}{Lectures on photovoltaics based on polycrystalline thin films (CdTe and CIGS) in the course of ``Conventional photovoltaic technologies'' for the postgraduate ``Master Course in Photovoltaic Engineering'' (\href{http://www.masterpv.org/}{www.masterpv.org}). Head professor of the course: dr. Mario Tucci}
\ecvitem[0.5cm]{Sector}{Education in photovoltaics}


\ecvitem{}{\textbf{Ph.D. in Physics at Sapienza -- University of Rome (Rome, Italy)}}
\ecvitem{Dates}{Nov. 2006 -- Oct. 2009\qquad Thesis defended on 16th February 2010}
\ecvitem[0.5cm]{Principal subjects}{Thesis subject: Study of the intrinsic defects and the doping of the semiconductor Cu$_2$O with relation to its usage as starting material for photovoltaic cells.
The work was carried out in the ENEA Casaccia Research Center (Rome, Italy). Advisor: prof. Mario Capizzi. External advisor: dr. Alberto Mittiga}

\ecvitem{}{\textbf{High school for science at ``Liceo Scientifico Statale Louis Pasteur'' (Rome, Italy).}\\&
\textbf{Final grade: 100 (out of 100)}}
\ecvitem[0.5cm]{Dates}{Sep. 1994 -- Jul. 1999}



\ecvsection{Computer skills}

\ecvitem{Programming and markup languages}{Data acquisition and analysis: Visual Basic, C++, LabVIEW\\&
Basic knowledge: Python and Java\\& 
Others: LaTeX (several professional works), (X)HTML, CSS, PHP}
\ecvitem{Databases}{SQL/ORACLE and SAS (1 year work experience).\\& 
Basic knowledge of Microsoft Access and MySQL.}
\ecvitem[0.5cm]{Operating systems}{All Microsoft OS's. Linux based systems (Gentoo in particular)}


\ecvitem{1}{List of publications}
\ecvitem{2}{Summary of the Ph.D. thesis}
\ecvitem{3}{Summary of the Master's thesis}
\ecvitem{4}{Exams taken during the Master's degree in Physics}
\ecvitem{5}{Exams taken during the Ph.D. in Physics}



Rome, \today


{\hspace{12cm} Francesco Biccari}


\section*{Attachment 1: List of publications}
\textit{The impact factor is not the current one but refers to the publication date.}




\item[2]{A. Mittiga, F. Biccari, C. Malerba.\newline
Intrinsic defects and metastability effects in {Cu$_2$O}.\newline
\textit{Thin Solid Films}, 517 (2009) 2469\newline
\href{http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tsf.2008.11.054}{doi: 10.1016/j.tsf.2008.11.054}\quad ISSN: 0040-6090\newline
Peer reviewed, impact factor: 1.884}


\item[1] F. Biccari, C. Malerba, A. Mittiga.\newline
Metastability Effects in {Cu$_2$O} Solar Cells.\newline
\textit{Proceedings of 23rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Valencia, Spain.} (2008) p. 583\newline
\href{http://dx.doi.org/10.4229/23rdEUPVSEC2008-1CV.2.54}{doi: 10.4229/23rdEUPVSEC2008-1CV.2.54}\quad ISBN: 3-936338-24-8\newline
No peer reviewed, no impact factor

