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Questa è la pagina web ufficiale della classe LaTeX sapthesis.cls. Una classe per la composizione delle tesi della "Sapienza Università di Roma". Per informazioni consultare il manuale della classe.
This is the official web page of the LaTeX class sapthesis.cls. A class for the typesetting of the theses of the "Sapienza University of Rome". For further information read the class manual.
Installazione - Installation
Il modo più semplice per installare sapthesis è quello di usare il package manager della vostra distribuzione TeX (TeXlive, MiKTeX, MacTeX). Una volta lanciato il package manager, cercate sapthesis e installatelo. Qui sotto riportiamo come lanciare il package manager sotto Windows. Per gli altri sistemi operativi il procedimento è analogo. Se usate Overleaf, sapthesis è già disponibile.
The simplest way to install sapthesis is by the package manager of your TeX distribution (TeXlive, MiKTeX, MacTeX). Once the package manager is launched, search for sapthesis and install it. Below we report how to launch the package manager on Windows. For the other operating systems the procedure is analogous. If you use Overleaf, sapthesis is already available.
Start -> Programmi -> TeX Live -> TeX LiveManager
Start -> Programmi -> MiKTeX -> Maintenance -> Package manager
Se invece non volete usare il package manager ma volete procedere manualmente, scaricate l'archivio riportato sotto e seguite la documentazione al suo interno.
Instead, if you don't want use the package manager but you want to install sapthesis manually, download the archive reported below and follow the documentation inside.
L'archivio contiene (*: file necessari):
- la classe LaTeX sapthesis.cls *
- il logo della Sapienza in formato pdf *
- il manuale sapthesis-doc.pdf (con il sorgente)
- un file di stile per BibTeX, sapthesis.bst (solo per tesi in inglese)
- un file README con informazioni sulla licenza
- un file sapthesis.layout per poter usare sapthesis con LyX
The archive contains (*: required files):
- the LaTeX class sapthesis.cls *
- the logo of the Sapienza in pdf format *
- the manual sapthesis-doc.pdf (with source code)
- a BibTeX style file, sapthesis.bst (for english theses only)
- a README file with license informations
- a sapthesis.layout file for using sapthesis with LyX
Recent changes (only in english)
Version 5.1 (2022-07-04)
- Bug fixes.
Version 5.0 (2022-01-01)
Old source files cannot be compiled with this version. Some changes are necessary.
- Removed the options for different types of theses.
- Source code of the class greatly simplified.
- Added support for A5 paper and B5 paper in original format and with cropmarks on a A4 paper.
- Removed the mnote command. The style of the classic marginpar command has been changed accordingly.
- Added automatic detection of Sapienza logo presence in the working directory.
- Added subtitle and alternative title commands.
- Personalization commands of the main labels of the frontispiece (thanks to Massimo Coppotelli, Emanuele Petriglia, Federico Porretta, Francesco Scotti)
- Added extrainfo command to add arbitraty text on the back of the frontispiece.
- Restyling of the frontespiece due to the new official model (thanks to Daniele Pierini, Giuseppe Scriva, Gianluca Pignalberi)
- Documentation updated, especially with a FAQ section.
- Minor bugs fixed
News! Sapthesis on the official Sapienza page! (2018-10-05)
Exactly after 10 years since I started the Sapthesis project, the Communication and Press Unit of the
Sapienza university mentioned Sapthesis in the official Sapienza webpage for the theses templates (only in Italian).
Finally, the Sapienza - University of Rome has an official LaTeX class!
Unfortunately Sapthesis was mentioned only in the Italian version of that webpage, not in the English page.
Version 4.1 (2018-08-07)
- Added \subtitle command in order to specify a subtitle.
- Added override option to \course command in order to be completely free in the specification of the course.
- Added ext option to \coadvisor command in order to specify External Advisors.
- Added an optional argument to \examiner command to specify the type or role of the members of the commission.
- Added \reviewer and \reviewerlabel commands in order to specify the reviewers/referees of the PhD theses.
- Added \copyrightstatement command in order to change the copyright statement of the thesis.
- The declaration at the bottom of PhD thesis titlepage has been eliminated.
- Minor bugs fixed.
Version 3.8 (2015-12-04)
- \der and \pder function improved. (Thanks to Enrico Gregorio)
The new definitions of these two functions are not compatible with the old ones, therefore, if you want to compile a document which uses the old definitions, you have to change your source file accordingly or redefine \der and \pder as the old ones in the preamble of your LaTeX file. The old definitions are:\renewcommand*{\der}[3][]{\frac{d\if?#1?\else^{#1}\fi#2}{d #3\if?#1?\else^{#1}\fi}} \renewcommand*{\pder}[3][]{\frac{\partial\if?#1?\else^{#1}\fi#2}{\partial #3\if?#1?\else^{#1}\fi}}
- Minor bugs fixed. (Thanks to Corrado Rainone)
Version 3.7 (2013-07-20)
- Added support for "Corsi di specializzazione". (Thanks to Alessandro Esposito)
- Minor bugs fixed.
Version 3.5 (2013-06-14)
- Some bugs for TFA fixed. Documentation slightly updated.
Version 3.4 (2013-05-23)
- Added some options for TFA (school name, school address, etc...)
Version 3.3 (2013-05-22)
- Added TFA option to write TFA final report
Version 3.2 (2012-08-15)
- Added fem option to write "Candidata" instead of "Candidato" (thanks to Chiara Perrina)
- Added LyX support (thanks to Cristina Manunta)
- Fixed some bugs
Version 3.1.1 (2012-03-02)
- Fixed bug in the back of the titlepage composition (thanks to Matteo Ipri)
Version 3.1 (2012-03-01)
- Fixed bug in the IDnumber for Laurea and Master titlepage (thanks to Matteo Ipri)
- Small style modification in the back of the titlepage.
Version 3.0 (2012-01-05)
- Fixed bug in the abstract environment documentation (thanks to Davide Di Bucchianico)
- Changed the fraction which approximates the golden ratio in some part of the class (thanks to Claudio Beccari)
- Corrected the heigth of the text in order have a better golden ratio between heigth and width
- The header is now included in the vertical page proportions
- The top margin and bottom margin are now in golden ratio instead of 1/sqrt(2)
- The header and footer code has been simplified.
- Eliminated the wrong spurious spaces in the abstract and acknoledgments environments. Changed also their style.
- Now frontmatter has the same style as the rest of the document.
- Changed the plain style definition.
- Removed the PhDA and PhDB options.
Version 2.8 (2011-09-13)
- Support for "Master di primo livello" (First level master) and "Master di secondo livello" (Second level master) was added. (thanks to Giovanni Nuccetelli)
- Stripping of newline commands from title in the colophon (the page after the frontispiece).
- Small changes in the documentation.
- Usage of a Times clone font (txfonts) for the documentation in order to obtain a smaller file size.
Version 2.7.2 (2011-07-05)
- Small modifications of the documentation and reorganization of the zip archive in order to publish sapthesis on CTAN.
Version 2.7.1 (2011-01-05)
- "Academic Year" only in italian. Fixed. (Thanks to Davide Paltrinieri)
Version 2.7 (2010-10-01)
- Wrong accent in the italian University name. Fixed. (Thanks to Matteo Siccardi)
- University name only in english with PhD. Fixed.
- New option
to suppress the exam information. (Thanks to Matteo Siccardi)
Version 2.6 (2010-07-28)
- First official public release.